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Abortion Recovery

J. Rophe Medical does not provide or refer for abortion. However, some women, after having an abortion, are stunned to find themselves confronting intense feelings of despair, loss, guilt and unresolved grief. Because most have never heard of PTSD related to the trauma of abortion, these women may not even realize they are suffering from a treatable problem, let alone know where to turn for help.

For others, they may experience initial relief following an abortion. The perceived crisis is over and life returns to normal. For many women, however, the crisis is not over. Months, and even years later, significant problems can develop. 

Women who have experienced abortion may develop one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Guilt
  • Grief
  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Suicidal Thoughts
  • Eating Disorders
  • Alcohol or Drug Addiction

Heart to Heart

Heart to Heart - The staff at J. Rophe Medical offers one-time exploratory sessions, as needed, for women of all ages and backgrounds who are having difficulty with past abortion experiences. They are encouraged to talk through their feelings, concerns, or issues. These heart to heart sessions are a great opportunity to begin the healing process. Rather than a large group, these are private sessions; the only participants will be you and a staff member who has experience in this area and has also experienced abortion. Opportunities for further discussions or studies will also be available, as desired. All services are offered at no cost.


You Are Unique!

Not every person has the same way to cope with trauma in their lives. Perhaps a one-on-one visit is not the preferred method. There are several online resources that might be helpful. Click on the links below to explore options:

abortion changes you

after abortion

abortion recovery

Rachel's Vineyard is another option. Rachel's Vineyard is a weekend Christian retreat model.  Sometimes it is easier to relax and focus on healing when you get away from the usual stressors of home or work.  For more information visit Rachel's Vineyard